What does being a Member of Hanover involve?

Hanover is run by a Board which is made up of volunteers who are committed to ensuring that the organisation is run efficiently; that high quality services are provided to our customers and that the organisation is in good financial health and meets all regulatory and legal requirements.  Members of Hanover elect members of the Board at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Only members of Hanover can be elected to the Board and only members can vote in Board elections.   Any member can stand for election to the Board, provided they can demonstrate that they have relevant skills, knowledge, or experience to take on the responsibilities of being a Board member.  Members can nominate other members for election to Hanover’s Board.  The only restriction for membership of Board is that only one person from a household can stand for Board membership.

Who can become a Member?

  • Customers
  • People who have an interest in our work
  • Organisations which support our work

Please read our Membership Policy which explains in more detail what is involved.

Becoming a member is easy. Simply complete the membership application form and submit it to
the Company Secretary along with a one-off payment of £1 to cover your membership share

If, once you have read our Policy, you decide you would like to become a member, you can either:

Download and print out a membership form.

Or, you can fill in our online membership form below.

The £1 membership fee can be paid by cheque to Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association
Ltd or via bank transfer (see details on form). Please note, we can no longer accept cash payments.

If you need any assistance with your application or would like to discuss further, you can call our Company Secretary on 0131 557 0598 or email companysecretary@hanover.scot.

£1 membership paid by:(Required)

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