With a relatively new executive team and Chair, we are now looking to make further appointments to the Board on a voluntary basis. The Board of Hanover operates at a strategic level and delegates responsibility for the day‑to‑day management and running of the organisation to staff, through the Chief Executive. We use four core values to guide our decision making – show respect, support collaboration, be accountable and support inclusion.
Key responsibilities
The Board, working closely with the Chief Executive and Executive Leadership Team:
- Set our strategy and direction
- Agree the annual budget and business plan and ensure financial viability
- Take account of customers’ views in respect of rents and charges, services and care provision
- Take responsibility for ensuring Hanover is a good employer that engages with its employees
- Monitor performance and manage strategic risk
- Ensure legal, constitutional and regulatory compliance
- Promote and demonstrate good governance
We are interested in those that may have suitable skills to add value on our Board. Whilst there could be specific value in those from HR, Finance or Social Housing, it could be broader than that as it is as much about the capability to make a contribution to the future of support for older people through the provision of housing and care. We are particularly interested in those with an innovative and entrepreneurial view, as well as ensuring we have diversity of thought and representation on the Board.
More about Hanover
Exciting and visionary in the provision of care & housing needs for the elderly, as we move to a society with increasing demographic pressures the services of Hanover Scotland are becoming increasingly important. We have an opportunity, as a Board member, to be at the strategic helm of the organisation, working with a values-based team, growing, innovating and challenging the perceived norms of support for the elderly.
Hanover Scotland has a mission to provide excellent services to meet the housing needs of Scotland’s older people and to support them to be as independent as possible. A Registered Social Landlord, with around 4,600 homes in 23 local authorities in Scotland, including Sheltered and Very Sheltered Housing, we also provide a Telecare service and Care & Support services. We provide factoring services for over 1,000 additional owner-occupied properties and have three regional offices (Edinburgh, Glasgow and Elgin) and we employee over 600 people.
As an organisation with some scale and impact in our communities, we understand that we have an increasingly important role in these uncertain times. More information on Hanover is available at https://www.hanover.scot/about/ including our Strategy and Business Plan.
If the opportunity to be part of this important organisation, at this exciting point in the journey, is of interest then do get in touch with David Bond, Director at McGregor Bond on david@mcgregorbond.com or feel free to call 07801 490678 for a confidential discussion.