
1. Please provide me with a breakdown of the priority need bands for your organisation’s housing list, and the number of applications currently in each band.
2. Please provide me with the number of applications on your housing list for each of the following years. I’m looking to see if the housing list has grown over the last 5 years, so to gain an accurate comparison, please provide me with a snapshot of the number of people on your housing list on 1 April of each of the years set out below. If you do not hold figures for all of the years, please fill out the table for those years you do hold information. By “1 April”, I mean the first day of the financial year.
3. Please provide me with the number of applications currently on your housing list for each of the property types listed.
4. How many properties have been let to tenants during each of the years listed. If you do not hold figures for all of the years, please fill out the table for those years you do hold information.
5. How many properties are due to be completed in the next business year, broken down by the number of bedrooms in property
6. Please provide the total housing stock figure for each of the last 5 years, broken down by year, and number of bedrooms. By “1 April”, I mean the first day of the financial year. If you do not hold figures for all of the years, please fill out the table for those years you do hold information.
7. Please provide me with a list of rental prices for each of the last 5 years.

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