As part of a Freedom of Information request – please send scanned copies of the Minutes of the Board meeting in 2000 that took place where the decision to exclude Roseburn from rights restored elsewhere in the housing stock under Hanover where ‘they took the policy decision to reinstate the registered proprietors / equity owners position and redistribute the income to them to mirror the original title deeds because it was fair’ that outline the data/briefings and so on by which Director’s took this decision.
What is the published remit and mission of the charity at Hanover that will disperse the appropriate proceeds of the sale of the manager’s flat at Roseburn Ct as noted in your letter dated 12 May 2021?
What is the % amount that is proposed for beneficiaries at Roseburn Court by Hanover in the draft 21/22 budget from the anticipated proceeds of the sale of the manager’s flat? – budget documents are not yet received and your letter does not propose how the rest of the money should be distributed
For what reason/s was the ‘specific policy on the [sale] matter approved by the Hanover Board.. ..when the old Feudal Superiority burdens in titles were abolished by parliament in 2000 did Hanvoer base their view that is was fair to reinstate the registered proprietors / equity owners position and redistribute the income to them to mirror the original title deeds but…the title deeds at Roseburn Court never included the same [reinstatement of rights at Roseburn Court]’? – a quote from your letter dated 12 May 2021″