
We are a non-profit making organisation, run by a board of volunteers whose members receive no remuneration for their services. The daily management of the organisation is overseen by our Chief Executive, Angela Currie, a team of Chief Officers and more than 600 staff located throughout Scotland.

Meet our Board
Board Papers and Minutes

The minutes can be found under the tab How we take decisions and what we have decided

2022 Virtual Annual General Meeting


We are a registered charity with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) and a registered housing association with the Scottish Housing Regulator.

To find out more about these governing bodies, please visit their websites:

Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) –

Scottish Housing Regulator –

The Scottish Housing Regulator publishes a range of information on Hanover including our 2023-24 Engagement Plan and our Assurance Statement you can find our latest performance report in our annual report.

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